God deserves our best work, effort, and time. He is good! I am grateful for the opportunity to expand my outreach from just the limitations of a phone, to now this website. The Sunday school lessons will be posted on this site weekly along with a reminder text for those on the SMS distribution list. Please enjoy and receive the lesson. If I may add, we are called to preach the gospel to all creation. So don't hold this information for your self - but share it with others!
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Lesson for 9/27
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Sunday school lesson 9/20
Hey all the lesson for tomorrow comes from Acts 5:27-29, 33-42. It's titled, "Empowered to speak" Very important scripture set, we are often silenced or we are afraid to speak up in certain situations - but verse 29 brings out that "we must obey God rather than human authority" if something is not right, speak up! Everything we do in Jesus name, should be to glorify God! Try it, trust God and you to will rejoice as the disciples did in verses 41 and 42! Pleasing Him is such a great feeling!
Stay blessed all!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Lesson 9/13 Be Generous
Now, verses 1-10 of Acts ch 5 gives us a lesson in deception - As you read these, carefully consider whats taking place. Ananias and his wife sold a piece of property. It would have been perfectly fine for them to keep a portion of the funds from the sale and give the church a portion. But the issue arose when they weren't truthful with the Church leaders about the gift. When the Bible says in verse 4 NIV - "4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”" Its implied that due to pride they claimed to have offered the most, they said told they gave their all, but in reality they giving less/holding back - with the illusion of full donation or pure generosity; playing with God. As harsh as the lesson ends, it is to teach us a valuable lesson, and that's to watch out and not fall into the pitfalls of greed, pride and hypocrisy. We are to indulge in genuine sharing, generosity and loving fellowship with each other.
Keep Faith and To God be the Glory!
Colin W.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Sunday School lesson 9/6
Hey all the Sunday school lesson for tomorrow comes from Acts 4:23-31. "Help to be strong" In this lesson we learn about how Jesus' disciples prayed for boldness to speak the truth of the Gospel. "If the Roman authorities had been willing to crucify Jesus, wouldn't they just be committed to getting rid of His followers?" At this time, the disciples were afraid and began to pray. In this faith walk, we often are faced with situations and trails that do indeed scare us at times. We turn to our left and right only to discover that we can't solely rely on our self or our peers - but we have to sincerely pray like the disciples did. Then just watch, as God comforted the disciples in verse 31 of Acts 4 - He will do the same for us! Then we are to rise up and tell somebody else what God has done! Declare the good news, as the disciples did! We are Christians! Stay blessed all, in Jesus name!