Hey all, the Sunday school lesson for tomorrow comes from Acts 12:1-11 verses. Its titled "Prayer works!" Each of us at some given point and time have witnessed the power of prayer. Whether praying for a healing in our body, or in school to pass an exam; a job that will provide, or the lost family member that has renewed their faith. We all can testify that prayer does indeed work! In the lesson we find the early church, still being persecuted, not only by the Jewish religious authorities, but now King Herod Agrippa. It starts of by noting King Herod laying violent hands upon some who belonged to the church. Verse 2 "He had James, the brother of John, killed with the sword." - Keep that verse in mind! As verse 3 brings out, King Herod was a people pleaser, to maintain his self image, he took note of how the Jewish majority reacted to James' beheading with excitement. He then proceeded to arrest Peter during the celebration of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. To quickly elaborate, this feast was where Jews were to eat unleavened bread for seven days in remembrance of how they left Egypt so quickly that the dough in their bread didn't have time to rise. (Exodus 34:18) - So, Peter is imprisoned and guarded by four squads of soldiers to be kept until after Passover. Verse 5 says "while Peter was kept in prison, the church prayed fervently; without ceasing, to God for him." The night before Herod was planning to bring Peter out before the people, an Angel of the Lord appeared, tapped Peter on the shoulder and told him to wake up and get up quickly. Instantly, the chains that had him bounded, fell off his wrists.(6-7) The Angel then in verse 8 instructs Peter to get dressed and to follow him. By this time, Peter thinks he is having a vision, or dreaming - (I probably would too) - but verse 10 brings out how they passed the guards, and the gate leading into the city opened on its own. As they were walking the Angel then departed from Peter. Verse 11 reveals how Peter finally comes to himself and is now sure that the Lord has sent His angel to rescue him! Prayer works! - Peter's church family prayed UNCEASINGLY. Could you image how they must've felt after what happened to James in verse 3. They surely prayed for the safety of Peter. God's act was sovereign when he delivered Peter from prison. The continuous prayers of the church were heard by God, and God performed a miracle in response to their prayers. What a lesson for all of us today! - No matter how things may look, keep faith, trust, and genuinely pray to God, in Jesus' name. God has his Angels of protection around each of us! Stay blessed all, and never forget the divine power of prayer!
Thanks for reading.
God deserves our best work, effort, and time. He is good! I am grateful for the opportunity to expand my outreach from just the limitations of a phone, to now this website. The Sunday school lessons will be posted on this site weekly along with a reminder text for those on the SMS distribution list. Please enjoy and receive the lesson. If I may add, we are called to preach the gospel to all creation. So don't hold this information for your self - but share it with others!
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Lesson for 10/25
Hey all, the Sunday School lesson for tomorrow comes from Acts 11:1-18. Its titled "Trusting the Spirit. As you begin to read you will see how this lesson dips very much into the lesson from last week. Its starts off where Peter is returning to Jerusalem and is questioned why he went to visit non Jews. Peter then in verses 5-14 explains his vision, the same one we discussed in last weeks lesson. "What God has made clean, you must not call profane" If I may, often times as believers we either accuse or are continually being reminded of our pasts. We may find it hard to forgive and forget - but what God is telling Peter in his vision is a lesson for us. Those with a rocky past or who are in the process of getting their life on track have been restored and made clean - we should not judge or isolate our selves from them, but inspire, motivate and encourage them to keep pressing upward. Tonight lesson concludes with the Holy Spirit falling upon the Gentiles, just as it previously fell upon the disciples.They were baptized by the Holy Spirit, the comforter. Verse 17 wraps it up saying "If then God gave them the same gift that he gave us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could hinder God?" 18 "When they heard this, they were silenced. And they praised God, saying, "Then God has given even the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life" - What this means friends, is not only the Jews of that time, but everyone from then to now that repents and believes that God raised Jesus from the dead, shall inherit everlasting life! His Spirit lives within us!
Trust the Spirit! Keep faith and praying.
Trust the Spirit! Keep faith and praying.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Lesson for 10/18
Greetings all, I give honor to God, to Jesus, and to the Holy Spirit. Tomorrow's Sunday school lesson comes from Acts 10:24-38. "Peter Takes a Risk" Before beginning the scripture set for tonight - let us delve into a few prior verses to provide clarity and understanding. Acts 10:1-23 explain how Cornelius, an an officer in the army. 2"He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly." An Angel of God appears to him in a vision saying "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God." He is then instructed to send men to go find Peter. As you continue to read, you will see that, literally the next day Peter had a vision. Peter's vision ties deeply into tonight's scripture and reveals how God can bring two totally different people together, for His glory! The lesson begins at verse 24 - Peter and the group sent, were heading back to Cornelius' house. Once they arrive verse 25 says that Cornelius met Peter. and fell down at his feet. and worshiped him. But Peter took him up, saying Stand up; I myself also am a man. As they being to talk, Peter mentions, its against the law for a Jew to associate or visit a Gentile (non Jew). - Peter then says in the latter part of verse 28..;"but God has shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean." This was Peter's vision! Going back to verse 14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”
15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” Peter was unsure, why he was being told this at the time of his vision; but as they continued to talk, Peter uses this moment to share what God has done. Verse 34-35 "Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right." Peter then began to preach the Good News of Jesus, and how God anointed his Son with the Holy Spirit and was always with Him. Just as God was with Jesus, He is also with us! Remember - No matter your race, gender, age, ethnicity, educational background, or Spiritual level. God wants, accepts and draws those who genuinely have a zeal and passion to serve Him!
Thanks for reading. God loves you, and I love you all too!
15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” Peter was unsure, why he was being told this at the time of his vision; but as they continued to talk, Peter uses this moment to share what God has done. Verse 34-35 "Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right." Peter then began to preach the Good News of Jesus, and how God anointed his Son with the Holy Spirit and was always with Him. Just as God was with Jesus, He is also with us! Remember - No matter your race, gender, age, ethnicity, educational background, or Spiritual level. God wants, accepts and draws those who genuinely have a zeal and passion to serve Him!
Thanks for reading. God loves you, and I love you all too!
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Lesson for 10/11
Hey all, the Sunday
school lesson for tomorrow comes from Acts 9:19-31 its titled
“Earning the right to be Heard” The lesson talks about Saul, who
in verse 19 and 20 – had been with the disciples preaching the Good
News of Jesus Christ. In verse 21, the people that heard Saul preach
were amazed and said “is this not the man who made havoc in
Jerusalem amongst those who invoked this name?..” If you read a few
verses prior to tomorrow's lesson you will see that Saul was
persecuting Christians. But on his road to Damascus, the Lord
revealed himself to Saul (Acts 9:3-6) and he changed! Today, some of
us experience people that hold others past against them. They
continuously remind them of how they use to be, or don't believe a
change for God has been made. As you continue to read you will see in
verse 23 that the Jews plotted to kill Saul; even some of the
disciples were afraid when Saul attempted to join them. To God be the
glory, because he always provides a way out! In verse 27 you will see
a man, by the name of Barnabas “took Saul, brought him to the
apostles, and described for them how on the road he had seen the
Lord, who had spoken to him, and how he had spoken boldly in the name
of Jesus” Sometimes, God puts people in our lives at the right time
– to love and stand up for us. No one is perfect, and we fall short
at times, but as Christians we are to encourage each other. God is in
the business of transforming lives every day. We should seek to care
and pray for each other regardless of the past. If God can forgive
people for their sins, then so should we.
God bless and be heard!
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Lesson for 10/4
Hey all, the Sunday school lesson for tomorrow comes from Acts 8:9-24. Its titled "The Source of True Power"
The SOURCE of TRUE power. Verses 9-11 begins with a man, Simon, who practiced magic, and was considered great among the people of Samaria. The people were being fooled by Simon's acts; As believer's today, the Holy Spirit enables us to distinguish what's of God, and whats false. If a individual professes to be a Christian but constantly magnifies him or herself, then that person is not a true servant of God. Our Heavenly Father deserves all the credit! Simon was stealing God's glory.
Then Philip, a deacon of the early church proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ, Son of God. Verses 12-14 bring out how the people began to believe what Philip was preaching, even Simon himself. We should strive for a spiritual influence as strong as Philips. God's word was made manifest through his preaching - and people became saved! Jumping to verse 17. Peter and John arrive and Simon witnesses the apostles performing miracles. The scripture says "Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit" Simon offers them money in exchange for the same power. But Peter sets him straight in verse 20. (Please read) - Fellow believers, we can't obtain God's gifts with money! I repeat - we cannot purchase God's favor. We are ALL commissioned to go out and spread the good news of Jesus Christ, to show Godly love and fellowship together. We are not to expect monetary items in exchange, we are not to go with the motion of religion. But we are to GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY! We are doing it for Him! We are building our hopes on things eternal! We will fall short, but we are to repent, just as it states in verse 22.
Let us mature in faith. Draw closer to God, through His Son Jesus. Show genuine love. And may we recognize, acknowledge, praise, trust and glorify the TRUE SOURCE!
Thanks for reading.
The SOURCE of TRUE power. Verses 9-11 begins with a man, Simon, who practiced magic, and was considered great among the people of Samaria. The people were being fooled by Simon's acts; As believer's today, the Holy Spirit enables us to distinguish what's of God, and whats false. If a individual professes to be a Christian but constantly magnifies him or herself, then that person is not a true servant of God. Our Heavenly Father deserves all the credit! Simon was stealing God's glory.
Then Philip, a deacon of the early church proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ, Son of God. Verses 12-14 bring out how the people began to believe what Philip was preaching, even Simon himself. We should strive for a spiritual influence as strong as Philips. God's word was made manifest through his preaching - and people became saved! Jumping to verse 17. Peter and John arrive and Simon witnesses the apostles performing miracles. The scripture says "Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit" Simon offers them money in exchange for the same power. But Peter sets him straight in verse 20. (Please read) - Fellow believers, we can't obtain God's gifts with money! I repeat - we cannot purchase God's favor. We are ALL commissioned to go out and spread the good news of Jesus Christ, to show Godly love and fellowship together. We are not to expect monetary items in exchange, we are not to go with the motion of religion. But we are to GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY! We are doing it for Him! We are building our hopes on things eternal! We will fall short, but we are to repent, just as it states in verse 22.
Let us mature in faith. Draw closer to God, through His Son Jesus. Show genuine love. And may we recognize, acknowledge, praise, trust and glorify the TRUE SOURCE!
Thanks for reading.
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