Hey all, the Sunday school lesson for tomorrow comes from Acts 12:1-11 verses. Its titled "Prayer works!" Each of us at some given point and time have witnessed the power of prayer. Whether praying for a healing in our body, or in school to pass an exam; a job that will provide, or the lost family member that has renewed their faith. We all can testify that prayer does indeed work! In the lesson we find the early church, still being persecuted, not only by the Jewish religious authorities, but now King Herod Agrippa. It starts of by noting King Herod laying violent hands upon some who belonged to the church. Verse 2 "He had James, the brother of John, killed with the sword." - Keep that verse in mind! As verse 3 brings out, King Herod was a people pleaser, to maintain his self image, he took note of how the Jewish majority reacted to James' beheading with excitement. He then proceeded to arrest Peter during the celebration of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. To quickly elaborate, this feast was where Jews were to eat unleavened bread for seven days in remembrance of how they left Egypt so quickly that the dough in their bread didn't have time to rise. (Exodus 34:18) - So, Peter is imprisoned and guarded by four squads of soldiers to be kept until after Passover. Verse 5 says "while Peter was kept in prison, the church prayed fervently; without ceasing, to God for him." The night before Herod was planning to bring Peter out before the people, an Angel of the Lord appeared, tapped Peter on the shoulder and told him to wake up and get up quickly. Instantly, the chains that had him bounded, fell off his wrists.(6-7) The Angel then in verse 8 instructs Peter to get dressed and to follow him. By this time, Peter thinks he is having a vision, or dreaming - (I probably would too) - but verse 10 brings out how they passed the guards, and the gate leading into the city opened on its own. As they were walking the Angel then departed from Peter. Verse 11 reveals how Peter finally comes to himself and is now sure that the Lord has sent His angel to rescue him! Prayer works! - Peter's church family prayed UNCEASINGLY. Could you image how they must've felt after what happened to James in verse 3. They surely prayed for the safety of Peter. God's act was sovereign when he delivered Peter from prison. The continuous prayers of the church were heard by God, and God performed a miracle in response to their prayers. What a lesson for all of us today! - No matter how things may look, keep faith, trust, and genuinely pray to God, in Jesus' name. God has his Angels of protection around each of us! Stay blessed all, and never forget the divine power of prayer!
Thanks for reading.
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