Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lesson for 7/3

Hey all, the Sunday School lesson for tomorrow comes from Romans 2:17-29, its titled "Ignoring God's Truth Within Us" - I encourage you to pray then read Romans 1 to provide insight on the events leading up to this lesson. To provide some background, Paul is referring to the Jewish Christians in Rome. During this time, the Jewish leaders heavily believed on the value of circumcision. As they were God's chosen people, they began to enforce the law on the Gentile (non-Jew) Christians. Paul opposed the Jewish leaders for being proud and doing wherever they wanted, however, he was not against the circumcision itself, IF practiced as part of obeying God's whole Law. Lets elaborate, Verse 17 Paul says "You who call yourself Jews are relying on God's law, and you boast about your special relationship with him." 18 "You  know what He wants; you know what is right because you have been taught His law." In verse 19 I find it neat how Paul nearly quotes Isaiah 42:16 when he says "You are convinced that you are a guide for the blind and a light for people who are lost in darkness." Can you pause for a moment and just imagine how they thought of themselves? The Jews of that time had been given God's instruction, guidelines to pleasing Him. They felt a since of pride, as they again were a chosen people, responsible for teaching God's law to others. Paul boldly says to them in verse 21 "Well then, if you teach others, why don't you teach yourself?" It brings out that the Jewish religious leaders tell others not to idolize, commit adultery, or steal - yet they do it themselves. Verse 23 speaks volume to me "You are so proud of knowing the law, but you dishonor God by breaking it." I am reminded of the warning written in James 3:1, "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." - higher accountability for knowing better, and ignoring. Back to the lesson, the Bible continues on; again, the Jewish ceremony of circumcision was highly valued during that time. Paul says to them in verse 25 that this only has value if you obey God's law. If you don't obey, you are no better off than an uncircumcised Gentile. Gotta love verses 26 and 27 "And if the Gentiles obey God's law, won't God declare them to be His own people? In fact, uncircumcised Gentiles who keep God's law will condemn you Jews who are circumcised and posses God's law but don't obey it!" Paul then says to them, "you are not a Jew because you were born of Jewish parents. No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people."
To bring this all together, we can apply this to our lives as Christians today. As men and women of Christ, we know the Word of God, as we study and obtain knowledge, lets not ignore or do contrary to what God has shown us is right. May we circumcise our hearts! For example, we can't habitually commit sin, and expect our church attendance or tithing to mean anything. We are God's chosen generation, followers of Christ. May we continue to shine our lights where ever we are! Standing firm and not ignoring the truth that God has given us! Not just hearers, but doers!!

Thanks for reading, 

God bless you!

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