Saturday, August 1, 2015

Sunday School Lesson for 8/2

Hello everyone, the Sunday School Lesson for tomorrow comes from Isaiah 59:15-21 verse. Its titled "The Rescuer Comes"

This lesson takes place in the old testament where the nation of Israel were falling into the temptation of worshiping foreign idols. Isaiah was a prophet who preached against idolatry.

The scriptures start off with Verse 15, Where God is displeased that there was no justice being done in Israel. Similar to the world we live in today in 2015, true justice is not being done, especially where you see officials in high places allowing other officials to get away with killing someone innocent - with no real punishment. So many other things taking place today, and true justice is not being served - yet!

Dropping down to verse 17 - "For He (Talking about Jehovah, God) put on righteousness as a breast-plate, and an helmet of salvation upon His head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak." - The symmetry used here, and if you note none of it is an offensive weapon. The armor God wears covers His head and His heart - When we use our heads and our hearts in ways that God desires, we are able to be the people God intended us to be. God doesn't go away or abandon His people because they (we) fall short - His very presence indicates His concern and love for us.

Our world is always made better by those who understand the need for intervention and will place themselves in our lives to help us. The greatest example of intervention as later revealed in the bible is when God gave us Jesus Christ!
Good night and stay blessed all!

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